This project meets the NCSCOS goals and objectives in social studies. Specifically, this project meets the following:
Grade 5 Competency Goal 3: The learner will examine the roles various ethnic groups have played in the development of the United States and its neighboring countries.
Grade 5 Objective 3.02: Examine how changes in the movement of people, goods, and ideas have affected ways of living in the United States.
Grade 5 Competency Goal 4: The learner will trace key developments in United States history and describe their impact on the land and people of the nation and its neighboring countries.
North Carolina Essential Standards
This project meets the Essential Standards goals and clarifying objectives in social studies. Specifically, this project meets the following:
Grade 5 5.G.1: Understand how human activity has and continues to shape the United States.
Grade 5 5.C.1: Understand how increased diversity resulted from migration, settlement patterns and economic development in the United States.
Grade 5 5.C.1.1: Analyze the change in leadership, cultures and everyday life of American Indian groups before and after European exploration.
Grade 5 5.C.1.2: Exemplify how the interactions of various groups have resulted in borrowing and sharing of traditions and technology.